Manifest File
Please refer to the last section of this page to leverage the auto-completion of your manifest file on your IDE.
Below is the list of fields available to build the manifest file
valid value is AIchorManifest;
valid value is 0.2.2 which is the current version.
docker image, dockerfile and context are specified in this section;
kind: AIchorManifest
apiVersion: 0.2.2
image: myimage
dockerfile: ./Dockerfile
context: .
valid values so far are: jax, tf, xgboost, pytorch and kuberay;image
docker image used;command
command or script to be executed;tensorboard
(optional for all operators);enabled
valid values are true or false;
inside this you can define two types of storage:- Persistent: mount already existing PVC(s) to all pods of the experiment;
- Ephemeral: AIChor will create a shared volume, mount it to all pods of the experiment and it will then delete it at the end of the experiment;
- NOTE: you need to insert your shared volume configuration under the
key. storageClass
will define the storageclass for the shared pvc (e.g. gp2/standard-rwo/ceph-rbd/cephfs/longhorn)accessMode
defines how the pvc will be mounted. For more information please check this section
- NOTE: you need to insert your shared volume configuration under the
kind: AIchorManifest
apiVersion: 0.2.2
storage: # optional
sharedVolume: # optional
mountPoint: "/mnt/shared"
sizeGB: 16
storageClass: exampleStorageClass
accessMode: ReadWriteOnce
attachExistingPVCs: # optional, array
- name: "my-awesome-pvc"
mountPoint: "/mnt/my-60tib-dataset"
Still under spec:
resources used;workers
this type is required for KubeRay whereasworker
and Jax for operators but is optional for tf;- `count` is the number of workers;
- `resources`:
- `cpu` is the number of CPUs per worker;
- `cpuLimitRatio`: default value is 2 (CPUlimit would be 200% and CPU is allowed to burst up to 2 x CPU requested). CPU limit can be fixed to the exact value requested in the manifest by specifying this value to 1 and in this case, CPU on the running pod will not exceed the requested value.
- `ramRatio` is multiplied by the numbers of CPUs to get the RAM in GB; for example, for 2 CPUs and ramRation 3, the RAM is 2x3 = 6 GB;
- `shmSizeGB` is optional and is an integer.
You provide `shmSizeGB` > 0: The memory request and limit will `+= shmSize`
Example: If you set `cpus = 16`, `ramRatio = 3` and `shmSizeGB = 10` then the memory request and limit will be set at `58G` (16\*3+10) and a shm volume of `10G` will be created and mounted.
You provide `shmSizeGB = 0`: This will not create or mount any shm volume and the memory request and limit will remain unchanged (cpus\*ramRatio).
You don’t provide any `shmSizeGB` (`shmSizeGB = null`): the memory request and limit will remain unchanged (cpus*ramRatio). But a shm volume will be created anyway and will have a size of 10% of the memory limit.Example: If you set
cpus = 16
,ramRatio = 3
andshmSizeGB = null
then the memory request and limit will be set at48G
(16*3) and the shm (included inside memory) will have a size of4800M
(10% of 48G) shm volume is requested is mounted at/dev/shm
- `accelerators` is optional and will contain information related to non CPU hardware, and is extendable.
In the examples below we have a GPU example and what a TPU accelerator could look like (still not supported):
- `extraSelectors` is optional and contains a map with node selectors to filter the possible nodes where the experiment pods can be provisioned.
Example: For AWS or Azure EKS dataplanes the selectors on-demand spot
can be used to restrict the capacity type of provisioned nodes. On GCP with GKE the label "true"
and it has to be coupled with an extra toleration.- `extraTolerations` is optional and contains a list of tolerations, that will allow the experiment pod to schedule on taint protected node. When requesting a spot instance on GKE the following toleration has to be passed:
- key: ""
operator: "Equal"
value: "true"
effect: "NoSchedule"
cpus: 5
ramRatio: 3
machineName: "<optional>"
shmSizeGB: 10 # optional
accelerators: # optional
gpu: # optional
count: 1
type: "gpu" # Choices can be: mig-1g.10gb, mig-3g.20gb, mig-3g.40gb
product: Tesla-V100-SXM3-32GB
extraSelectors: # optional spot
In the case of tf operator
- Any of the types TF: "PS", "Chief" or "Evaluator" can also be used with "Worker" (c.f documentation) and are optional, one of them at least has be used.
In the case of KubeRay operator
- In addition to the workers, a head type have to be specified (Worker and Head are required in the manifest) in terms of resources. In the case of KubeRay, it is more of an array of workers (worker groups);
Below are examples of manifests for different operators.
kind: AIchorManifest
apiVersion: 0.2.2
image: melqart
dockerfile: ./Dockerfile
context: .
operator: kuberay
image: melqart
command: "python"
tensorboard: # optional, disabled by default
enabled: true
storage: # optional
sharedVolume: # optional
mountPoint: "/mnt/shared"
sizeGB: 16
storageClass: exampleStorageClass
accessMode: ReadWriteOnce
attachExistingPVCs: # optional, array
- name: "my-awesome-pvc"
mountPoint: "/mnt/my-60tib-dataset"
# Ray types are: Head, Workers
# They are both required
# At least one worker must be set
cpus: 10
ramRatio: 2
# machineName: "dgx" # optional
shmSizeGB: 48 # optional
accelerators: # optional
count: 2
product: Tesla-V100-SXM3-32GB
type: gpu
extraSelectors: # optional spot
- name: "cpu-workers"
count: 2
cpus: 1
ramRatio: 2
# machineName: "node007" # optional
shmSizeGB: 0 # optional
extraSelectors: # optional spot
kind: AIchorManifest
apiVersion: 0.2.2
image: ridl
dockerfile: ./Dockerfile
context: .
USE_CUDA: "true"
operator: tf
image: ridl
command: python examples/
tensorboard: # optional, disabled by default
enabled: true
storage: # optional
sharedVolume: # optional
mountPoint: "/mnt/shared"
sizeGB: 16
storageClass: exampleStorageClass
accessMode: ReadWriteOnce
attachExistingPVCs: # optional, array
- name: "my-awesome-pvc"
mountPoint: "/mnt/my-60tib-dataset"
# at least one type is required.
# if you are not using Evaluator for example, you can set its count to 0
# or not write it at all.
# Available types are: Worker, Master, PS, Chief, Evaluator
count: 1
cpus: 20
ramRatio: 3
# machineName: "dgx" # optional
shmSizeGB: 10 # optional
accelerators: # optional
count: 1
# options: gpu, mig-1g.10gb, mig-3g.20gb, mig-3g.40gb,
type: gpu
# options: Tesla-V100-SXM3-32GB, A100-SXM4-40GB, A100-SXM-80GB
product: Tesla-V100-SXM3-32GB
extraSelectors: # optional spot
kind: AIchorManifest
apiVersion: 0.2.2
image: ridl
dockerfile: ./Dockerfile
context: .
operator: jax
image: ridl
command: python examples/
tensorboard: # optional, disabled by default
enabled: true
storage: # optional
sharedVolume: # optional
mountPoint: "/mnt/shared"
sizeGB: 16
storageClass: exampleStorageClass
accessMode: ReadWriteOnce
attachExistingPVCs: # optional, array
- name: "my-awesome-pvc"
mountPoint: "/mnt/my-60tib-dataset"
count: 2
cpus: 16
ramRatio: 3
# machineName: "dgx" # optional
shmSizeGB: 48 # optional
accelerators: # optional
count: 1
product: Tesla-V100-SXM3-32GB
type: gpu
extraSelectors: # optional spot
Write a manifest
In order to easily edit manifest.yaml
, the AIchor Team maintains a JSON-Schema that will allow auto-completion, syntax validation and documentation self-discovery within your preferred IDE.
Also, the same schema will be used by AIchor to validate your manifest before an experiment so that it fails early when there is any misconfiguration.
All in all, we wish to lower the barrier of entry to the world of AIchor as much as possible.
You can see the raw JSON schema here (best opened in Firefox or an IDE):
IDE setup
Install the YAML extension
Add at the top of your manifest.yaml file
# yaml-language-server: $schema=
Alternatively, you can automatically assign this schema url to any file named
in your workspace or global settings.
VS Code
- For PyCharm users, you can assign a schema in the bottom right of the screen when editing a YAML file and fill in the pop-up window as shown below.
Writing the manifest
will pop-up suggestions to fill fields, with sometimes descriptions on VS Code.